2024.06.02 How You Spend Your Days Is How You Spend Your Life

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After a week of lingering nostalgia, Amy shook me out of my incipient body dysmorphia by chortling about how I'm much better looking now. As much as I remember how it felt to be whippet-thin and with boundless endurance, I probably don't remember well how nervous I was all the time nor how fragile my ego was. Plus Amy has similar pictures of her elfin bearing, but she is wildly more attractive now with her full shape and mature demeanour.

Also heard from friends living in Germany, and how they're struggling with the transition there. I'm sure that overall it's a worthwhile adventure, but there's no denying that the enormity of the change is challenging. I miss hanging out with them.

But the most amusing meta moment this week was a person on Craigslist asking for a window of time to inspect the bike I'm selling, and I had to honestly tell them that there was only the most narrow windows of time available in my life.

Life is good. Busy, but good.